header_search=search header_statistic=statistic header_rss=rss header_history=historical data header_about=about search_pageheader=RPKI Search search_eg=E.g. search_go=GO! search_status=status search_table_filename=FileName search_norecord=No matching records found statistic_pageheader=RPKI Statistic statistic_valid=Valid Objects statistic_warning=Objects with Warnings statistic_invalid=Invalid Objects statistic_state=Warning or Invalid type statistic statistic_rir=RIR statistic_repo=Repositories statistic_data=Statistical Data statisticdetail_pageheader=Warning/Invalid Data statisticdetail_rir=RIR statisticdetail_repo=Repositories statisticdetail_sync_url=Sync Url statisticdetail_state=State statisticdetail_warning_error_msg=Warning/Invalid Message statisticdetail_invalid=invalid statisticdetail_warning=warning statestatistic_pageheader=Warning/Invalid Statistic statestatistic_failinstatemsg=Warning/Invalid Message statestatistic_filenames=Files rss_pageheader=RPKI RSS rss_api_notime=1. Simplest interface: The last rpki update aggregation information is obtained directly without time parameters rss_api_time=2. Interface with time parameters: Get rpki update aggregation information within the time range AFRINIC=AFRINIC APNIC=APNIC ARIN=ARIN LACNIC=LACNIC RIPE NCC=RIPE NCC 非洲互联网络信息中心=AFRINIC 亚太互联网络信息中心=APNIC 美洲互联网号码注册管理机构=ARIN 拉丁美洲和加勒比地区互联网络信息中心=LACNIC 欧洲IP网络资源协调中心=RIPE NCC invalid=invalid warning=warning 无效=invalid 告警=warning history_pageheader=RPKI Historical Data history_datagraph=RPKI Historical Data Graph history_roadatagraph=RPKI ROA Historical Data Graph CER 解析信息=CER Parsing information ROA 解析信息=ROA Parsing information MFT 解析信息=MFT Parsing information CRL 解析信息=CRL Parsing information CER Parsing information=CER Parsing information ROA Parsing information=ROA Parsing information MFT Parsing information=MFT Parsing information CRL Parsing information=CRL Parsing information AIA出现在根证书中=AIA appears in the root certificate AIA不能设为关键字段=AIA is critical AIA是空的=AIA is emtpy AIA不是合法的URL地址=AIA is not a legal URL address AIA不是Rsync协议=AIA is not an Rsync protocol AKI为空=AKI is emtpy AKI长度错误=AKI length is wrong 算法不是sha256WithRSAEncryption=Algorithm is not sha256WithRSAEncryption ASN为负=ASN is negative ASN没有设为关键字段=ASN is not critical ASN太大=ASN is too large 基本约束没有设为关键字段=Basic Constraints is not critical BasicConstraintsValid字段值不是真=BasicConstraintsValid is not true 终端实体的BasicConstraintsValid的值不为真=BasicConstraintsValid of EE is not true CA资料库为空=CA Repository is empty CA资料库地址不是合法的URL地址=CA Repository is not a legal URL address CA资料库地址不是Rsync协议=CA Repository is not an Rsync protocol 终端实体的CA资料库地址不为空=CA Repository of EE is not empty 证书没有签发任何一个CRL文件=Certificate does not issue at least one CRL 证书没有签发任何一个Mft文件=Certificate does not issue at least one Manifest 证书拥有的ASN未包含在上级签发证书拥有的ASN中=Certificate has overclaimed ASN not contained on the issuing certificate 证书拥有的IP地址未包含在上级签发证书拥有的地址段内=Certificate has overclaimed IP address not contained on the issuing certificate 证书位于CRL的吊销列表中=Certificate is found on revocation list of CRL 证书策略为空=Certificate Policies are empty 证书策略不是合法的URL地址=Certificate Policies are not a legal URL address 证书策略不是Http(s)协议=Certificate Policies are not Http(s) protocol CRL分发点出现在根证书中=CRL Distribution Points appear in the root certificate CRL分发点不是合法的URL地址=CRL Distribution Points are not a legal URL address CRL分发点不是Rsync协议=CRL Distribution Points are not an Rsync protocol CRL分发点没有设为关键字段=CRL Distribution Points are not critical CRL号太长=CRL Number is too long CRL编号为零=CRL Number is zero 终端实体的摘要算法不是sha256WithRSAEncryption=Digest Algorithm of EE is not sha256WithRSAEncryption SignerInfo的摘要算法不是sha256=Digest Algorithm of SignerInfo is not sha256 ExKeyUsage不为空=ExKeyUsage is not empty 终端实体的ExKeyUsage不为空=ExKeyUsage of EE is not empty 根证书无法通过自我验证=Fail to be self verified by itself of root certificate 无法通过上级签发证书的验证=Fail to be verified by its issuing certificate 获取互联网码号资源扩展名失败=Fail to find INR extension. 无法获取特定AKI下的CER/ROA/CRL/MFT=Fail to get CER/ROA/CRL/MFT under specific AKI 无法获取特定AKI下的CRL=Fail to get CRL under specific AKI 无法获取特定AKI下的Manifest=Fail to get Manifest under specific AKI 获取AIA或SIA失败=Fail to obtain AIA or SIA 获取AS号失败=Fail to obtain ASN 获取证书基本约束失败=Fail to obtain Basic Constraints 获取证书策略失败=Fail to obtain Certificate Policies 获取CRL分发点失败=Fail to obtain CRL Distribution Points 获取IP地址失败=Fail to obtain IP address 获取KeyUsage失败=Fail to obtain KeyUsage 无法获取签名算法=Fail to obtain Signature Algorithm 解析文件失败=Fail to parse file 读取文件失败=Fail to read file 文件列表中的文件不再存在=File on filelist no longer exists 吊销列表上的文件仍然存在=Files on revocation list of CRL still exists IP地址段格式错误=IP address format is wrong IP地址既不是IPv4也不是IPv6=IP address is neither IPv4 nor IPv6 IP地址段既不是IPv4也不是IPv6=IP address is neither IPv4 nor IPv6 IP地址没有设为关键字段=IP address is not critical IP地址段不在终端实体的IP地址段的范围中=IP address is not in IP address of EE range 终端实体的IP地址段格式错误=IP address of EE format is wrong IPv4地址段格式错误=IPv4 address format is wrong IPv6地址段格式错误=IPv6 address format is wrong IsCA字段的值不是真=IsCA is not true 终端实体的IsCA的值不为真=IsCA of EE is not true 发行人属性没包含CN=Issuer attribute should contain CN 发行人具有CN和序列号以外的属性=Issuer has attribute other than CN and serialnumber 证书签发者为空=Issuer is empty 其上级签发证书已不存在=Its issuing certificate no longer exists KeyUsage为空=KeyUsage is emtpy KeyUsage没有设为关键字段=KeyUsage is not critical Keyusage不等于“Certificate Sign, CRL Sign”=Keyusage is not equal to "Certificate Sign, CRL Sign" Mft编号不是十六进制数=Manifest Number is not a hexadecimal number Mft编号太长=Manifest Number is too long Mft编号为零=Manifest Number is zero IP地址段的最大长度小于前缀长度=Maxlength of IP address is smaller than prefix length IP地址段的最大长度为零=Maxlength of IP address is zero IPv4地址段的最大长度太大=Maxlength of IPv4 address is too large IPv6地址段的最大长度太大=Maxlength of IPv6 address is too large 已经过期=NextUpdate is earlier than the current time 下次更新时间晚于本次更新时间=NextUpdate is earlier than ThisUpdate 下次更新时间为空=NextUpdate is empty 下次次更新时间晚于终端实体的结束时间=NextUpdate is later than the NotAfter of EE 结束时间比开始时间还要晚=NotAfter is earlier than NotBefore 已经过期=NotAfter is earlier than the current time 结束时间为空=NotAfter is empy 终端实体的结束时间比开始时间还要晚=NotAfter of EE is earlier than NotBefore of EE 终端实体已经过期=NotAfter of EE is earlier than the current time 终端实体的结束时间为空=NotAfter of EE is empy 开始时间为空=NotBefore is emtpy 还未到起效时间=NotBefore is later than the current time 终端实体的开始时间为空=NotBefore of EE is emtpy 终端实体还未起效=NotBefore of EE is later than the current time fileHashAlg字段的Oid不是2.16.840. of fileHashAlg is not 2.16.840. 一个扩展的名字是空的=One name of the Extensions is empty 吊销列表中的某一次的吊销时间为空=One revocation times in the revocation list is empty 吊销列表中的一个SN为空=One SN in the revocation list is empty 吊销列表中的一个SN不是十六进制数=One SN in the revocation list is not a hexadecimal number 吊销列表中的一个SN长度有误=One SN length in the revocation list is wrong 公钥算法不是rsaEncryption=PublicKey Algorithm is not rsaEncryption 公钥算法的指数错误=PublicKey Algorithm's Exponent is wrong ROA有的ASN未包含在上级签发证书拥有的ASN中=ROA has overclaimed ASN not contained on the issuing certificate ROA拥有的IP地址未包含在上级签发证书拥有的地址段内=ROA has overclaimed IP address not contained on the issuing certificate RpkiMainfest字段为空=RpkiMainfest is empty RpkiMainfest字段不是合法的URL地址=RpkiMainfest is not a legal URL address RpkiMainfest字段不是Rsync协议=RpkiMainfest is not an Rsync protocol 终端实体的RpkiMainfest不为空=RpkiMainfest of EE is not empty RpkiNotify字段不是合法的URL地址=RpkiNotify is not a legal URL address RpkiNotify字段不是Http(s)协议=RpkiNotify is not an Http(s) protocol SIA不能设为关键字段=SIA is critical 终端实体的SIA不能设为关键字段=SIA of EE is critical 签名算法不是sha256WithRSAEncryption=Signature Algorithm is not sha256WithRSAEncryption 终端实体的SignedObject字段为空=SignedObject of EE is empty 终端实体的SignedObject不是合法的URL地址=SignedObject of EE is not a legal URL address 终端实体的SignedObject不是Rsync协议=SignedObject of EE is not an Rsync protocol SignerInfo的签名时间为空=SiningTime of SignerInfo is empty SignerInfo的签名时间已经过期=SiningTime of SignerInfo is later than the current time SKI为空=SKI is empty SKI长度错误=SKI length is wrong SN为空=SN is empty SN不是十六进制数=SN is not a hexadecimal number SN太长=SN is too long 主题属性没有包含CN=Subject attribute MUST contain CN 主题发现具有CN和序列号以外的属性=Subject has attribute other than CN and serialnumber 证书主题为空=Subject is empty 这些相同AKI的CER、ROA和CRL不在此MFT的文件列表中=The CER, ROA and CRL of these same AKI are not on the filelist of MFT of same AKI 此Mft的终端实体被包含在CRL的撤销列表中=The EE of this Manifest is found on the revocation list of CRL 此ROA的终端被包含在CRL的撤销列表中=The EE of this ROA is found on the revocation list of CRL 扩展不为空=The Extensions is not empty 清单列表中的文件不是cer/roa/crl三种类型之一=The file in fileList is not one of the three types of cer/roa/crl 清单列表中哈希值的长度不是64=The length of the hash in fileList is not 64 PublicKey算法的Modulus长度不对=The length of the PublicKey Algorithm’s Modulus is wrong 签名算法长度错误=The length of the signature algorithm is wrong 发行人属性的数量大于2=The number of issuer attributes should not be greater than 2 文件列表上记录的某个文件的sha256值不等于实际文件的sha256值=The sha256 value of the file is not equal to the value on the filelist 清单列表中存在重复文件=There are duplicate files in fileList 发现有多个CRL分发点=There are multiple CRL Distribution Points 一个特定的AKI下有多个CRL,并且此CRL的编号不是最大的=There are multiple CRLs under a specific AKI, and this CRL has not the largest CRL Number 一个特定的AKI下有多个Mft,并且此Mft的编号不是最大的=There are multiple Manifestes under a specific AKI, and this Manifest has not the largest Manifest Number 发现存在多个主题=There are multiple subjects 没有IP地址段=There is no IP address 本次更新时间为空=ThisUpdate is empty 还未到起效时间=ThisUpdate is later than the current time 本次更新时间晚于终端实体的开始时间=ThisUpdate is later than the NotBefore of EE 版本号错误=Wrong Version number CRL的本次更新时间与具有相同AKI的MFT的本次更新时间不同=The thisUpdate of CRL is different from thisUpdate of MFT which has the same AKI CRL的下次更新时间与具有相同AKI的MFT的下次更新时间不同=The nextUpdate of CRL is different from nextUpdate of MFT which has same AKI 与此文件具有相同 AKI 的清单无效或丢失=Manifest which has same AKI of this file is invalid or missing AIA appears in the root certificate=AIA appears in the root certificate AIA is critical=AIA is critical AIA is emtpy=AIA is emtpy AIA is not a legal URL address=AIA is not a legal URL address AIA is not an Rsync protocol=AIA is not an Rsync protocol AKI is emtpy=AKI is emtpy AKI length is wrong=AKI length is wrong Algorithm is not sha256WithRSAEncryption=Algorithm is not sha256WithRSAEncryption ASN is negative=ASN is negative ASN is not critical=ASN is not critical ASN is too large=ASN is too large Basic Constraints is not critical=Basic Constraints is not critical BasicConstraintsValid is not true=BasicConstraintsValid is not true BasicConstraintsValid of EE is not true=BasicConstraintsValid of EE is not true CA Repository is empty=CA Repository is empty CA Repository is not a legal URL address=CA Repository is not a legal URL address CA Repository is not an Rsync protocol=CA Repository is not an Rsync protocol CA Repository of EE is not empty=CA Repository of EE is not empty Certificate does not issue at least one CRL=Certificate does not issue at least one CRL Certificate does not issue at least one Manifest=Certificate does not issue at least one Manifest Certificate has overclaimed ASN not contained on the issuing certificate=Certificate has overclaimed ASN not contained on the issuing certificate Certificate has overclaimed IP address not contained on the issuing certificate=Certificate has overclaimed IP address not contained on the issuing certificate Certificate is found on revocation list of CRL=Certificate is found on revocation list of CRL Certificate Policies are empty=Certificate Policies are empty Certificate Policies are not a legal URL address=Certificate Policies are not a legal URL address Certificate Policies are not Http(s) protocol=Certificate Policies are not Http(s) protocol CRL Distribution Points appear in the root certificate=CRL Distribution Points appear in the root certificate CRL Distribution Points are not a legal URL address=CRL Distribution Points are not a legal URL address CRL Distribution Points are not an Rsync protocol=CRL Distribution Points are not an Rsync protocol CRL Distribution Points are not critical=CRL Distribution Points are not critical CRL Number is too long=CRL Number is too long CRL Number is zero=CRL Number is zero Digest Algorithm of EE is not sha256WithRSAEncryption=Digest Algorithm of EE is not sha256WithRSAEncryption Digest Algorithm of SignerInfo is not sha256=Digest Algorithm of SignerInfo is not sha256 ExKeyUsage is not empty=ExKeyUsage is not empty ExKeyUsage of EE is not empty=ExKeyUsage of EE is not empty Fail to be self verified by itself of root certificate=Fail to be self verified by itself of root certificate Fail to be verified by its issuing certificate=Fail to be verified by its issuing certificate Fail to find INR extension.=Fail to find INR extension. Fail to get CER/ROA/CRL/MFT under specific AKI=Fail to get CER/ROA/CRL/MFT under specific AKI Fail to get CRL under specific AKI=Fail to get CRL under specific AKI Fail to get Manifest under specific AKI=Fail to get Manifest under specific AKI Fail to obtain AIA or SIA=Fail to obtain AIA or SIA Fail to obtain ASN=Fail to obtain ASN Fail to obtain Basic Constraints=Fail to obtain Basic Constraints Fail to obtain Certificate Policies=Fail to obtain Certificate Policies Fail to obtain CRL Distribution Points=Fail to obtain CRL Distribution Points Fail to obtain IP address=Fail to obtain IP address Fail to obtain KeyUsage=Fail to obtain KeyUsage Fail to obtain Signature Algorithm=Fail to obtain Signature Algorithm Fail to parse file=Fail to parse file Fail to read file=Fail to read file File on filelist no longer exists=File on filelist no longer exists Files on revocation list of CRL still exists=Files on revocation list of CRL still exists IP address format is wrong=IP address format is wrong IP address is neither IPv4 nor IPv6=IP address is neither IPv4 nor IPv6 IP address is neither IPv4 nor IPv6=IP address is neither IPv4 nor IPv6 IP address is not critical=IP address is not critical IP address is not in IP address of EE range=IP address is not in IP address of EE range IP address of EE format is wrong=IP address of EE format is wrong IPv4 address format is wrong=IPv4 address format is wrong IPv6 address format is wrong=IPv6 address format is wrong IsCA is not true=IsCA is not true IsCA of EE is not true=IsCA of EE is not true Issuer attribute should contain CN=Issuer attribute should contain CN Issuer has attribute other than CN and serialnumber=Issuer has attribute other than CN and serialnumber Issuer is empty=Issuer is empty Its issuing certificate no longer exists=Its issuing certificate no longer exists KeyUsage is emtpy=KeyUsage is emtpy KeyUsage is not critical=KeyUsage is not critical Keyusage is not equal to "Certificate Sign, CRL Sign"=Keyusage is not equal to "Certificate Sign, CRL Sign" Manifest Number is not a hexadecimal number=Manifest Number is not a hexadecimal number Manifest Number is too long=Manifest Number is too long Manifest Number is zero=Manifest Number is zero Maxlength of IP address is smaller than prefix length=Maxlength of IP address is smaller than prefix length Maxlength of IP address is zero=Maxlength of IP address is zero Maxlength of IPv4 address is too large=Maxlength of IPv4 address is too large Maxlength of IPv6 address is too large=Maxlength of IPv6 address is too large NextUpdate is earlier than the current time=NextUpdate is earlier than the current time NextUpdate is earlier than ThisUpdate=NextUpdate is earlier than ThisUpdate NextUpdate is empty=NextUpdate is empty NextUpdate is later than the NotAfter of EE=NextUpdate is later than the NotAfter of EE NotAfter is earlier than NotBefore=NotAfter is earlier than NotBefore NotAfter is earlier than the current time=NotAfter is earlier than the current time NotAfter is empy=NotAfter is empy NotAfter of EE is earlier than NotBefore of EE=NotAfter of EE is earlier than NotBefore of EE NotAfter of EE is earlier than the current time=NotAfter of EE is earlier than the current time NotAfter of EE is empy=NotAfter of EE is empy NotBefore is emtpy=NotBefore is emtpy NotBefore is later than the current time=NotBefore is later than the current time NotBefore of EE is emtpy=NotBefore of EE is emtpy NotBefore of EE is later than the current time=NotBefore of EE is later than the current time Oid of fileHashAlg is not 2.16.840. of fileHashAlg is not 2.16.840. One name of the Extensions is empty=One name of the Extensions is empty One revocation times in the revocation list is empty=One revocation times in the revocation list is empty One SN in the revocation list is empty=One SN in the revocation list is empty One SN in the revocation list is not a hexadecimal number=One SN in the revocation list is not a hexadecimal number One SN length in the revocation list is wrong=One SN length in the revocation list is wrong PublicKey Algorithm is not rsaEncryption=PublicKey Algorithm is not rsaEncryption PublicKey Algorithm's Exponent is wrong=PublicKey Algorithm's Exponent is wrong ROA has overclaimed ASN not contained on the issuing certificate=ROA has overclaimed ASN not contained on the issuing certificate ROA has overclaimed IP address not contained on the issuing certificate=ROA has overclaimed IP address not contained on the issuing certificate RpkiMainfest is empty=RpkiMainfest is empty RpkiMainfest is not a legal URL address=RpkiMainfest is not a legal URL address RpkiMainfest is not an Rsync protocol=RpkiMainfest is not an Rsync protocol RpkiMainfest of EE is not empty=RpkiMainfest of EE is not empty RpkiNotify is not a legal URL address=RpkiNotify is not a legal URL address RpkiNotify is not an Http(s) protocol=RpkiNotify is not an Http(s) protocol SIA is critical=SIA is critical SIA of EE is critical=SIA of EE is critical Signature Algorithm is not sha256WithRSAEncryption=Signature Algorithm is not sha256WithRSAEncryption SignedObject of EE is empty=SignedObject of EE is empty SignedObject of EE is not a legal URL address=SignedObject of EE is not a legal URL address SignedObject of EE is not an Rsync protocol=SignedObject of EE is not an Rsync protocol SiningTime of SignerInfo is empty=SiningTime of SignerInfo is empty SiningTime of SignerInfo is later than the current time=SiningTime of SignerInfo is later than the current time SKI is empty=SKI is empty SKI length is wrong=SKI length is wrong SN is empty=SN is empty SN is not a hexadecimal number=SN is not a hexadecimal number SN is too long=SN is too long Subject attribute MUST contain CN=Subject attribute MUST contain CN Subject has attribute other than CN and serialnumber=Subject has attribute other than CN and serialnumber Subject is empty=Subject is empty The CER, ROA and CRL of these same AKI are not on the filelist of MFT of same AKI=The CER, ROA and CRL of these same AKI are not on the filelist of MFT of same AKI The EE of this Manifest is found on the revocation list of CRL=The EE of this Manifest is found on the revocation list of CRL The EE of this ROA is found on the revocation list of CRL=The EE of this ROA is found on the revocation list of CRL The Extensions is not empty=The Extensions is not empty The file in fileList is not one of the three types of cer/roa/crl=The file in fileList is not one of the three types of cer/roa/crl The length of the hash in fileList is not 64=The length of the hash in fileList is not 64 The length of the PublicKey Algorithm’s Modulus is wrong=The length of the PublicKey Algorithm’s Modulus is wrong The length of the signature algorithm is wrong=The length of the signature algorithm is wrong The number of issuer attributes should not be greater than 2=The number of issuer attributes should not be greater than 2 The sha256 value of the file is not equal to the value on the filelist=The sha256 value of the file is not equal to the value on the filelist There are duplicate files in fileList=There are duplicate files in fileList There are multiple CRL Distribution Points=There are multiple CRL Distribution Points There are multiple CRLs under a specific AKI, and this CRL has not the largest CRL Number=There are multiple CRLs under a specific AKI, and this CRL has not the largest CRL Number There are multiple Manifestes under a specific AKI, and this Manifest has not the largest Manifest Number=There are multiple Manifestes under a specific AKI, and this Manifest has not the largest Manifest Number There are multiple subjects=There are multiple subjects There is no IP address=There is no IP address ThisUpdate is empty=ThisUpdate is empty ThisUpdate is later than the current time=ThisUpdate is later than the current time ThisUpdate is later than the NotBefore of EE=ThisUpdate is later than the NotBefore of EE Wrong Version number=Wrong Version number The thisUpdate of CRL is different from thisUpdate of MFT which has the same AKI=The thisUpdate of CRL is different from thisUpdate of MFT which has the same AKI The nextUpdate of CRL is different from nextUpdate of MFT which has same AKI=The nextUpdate of CRL is different from nextUpdate of MFT which has same AKI Manifest which has same AKI of this file is invalid or missing=Manifest which has same AKI of this file is invalid or missing about_first_paragraph=RPKIVIZ is developed and maintained by ZDNS (en.ZDNS.cn ).